Setup LNMP(Linux+Nginx[Apache]+MySql+PHP) in ten steps

System requirement:CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian Linux
Disk:2GB or more
Ram requirement:required 128M or more free ram
Xen VPS required SWAP
OpenVZ required 128M or more vSWAP
MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10 required 1GB or more ram
Internet accessable
This LNMP has been test on:Linode、DiaHosting、PhotonVPS、DigitalOcean、RamNode、BudgetVM、DirectSpace、KVMLA、Hostigation、BuyVM、LocVPS、80VPS、XSVPS and so on.
CentOS 5-7、RHEL 6-7、Fedora 21-22、Debian 5-8、Ubuntu 10.04-15.04 with 32bit and 64bit can be supported

Now to install it:
You can use:screen -S lnmp to keep you install even you SSH connection was interrupt.
If you get "screen: command not found" in return, you can fix it by "yum install screen" or "apt-get install screen".

Now all is ready.

Run the shell with the root:
wget -c && tar zxf lnmp1.2-full.tar.gz && cd lnmp1.2-full && ./ lnmp