1G/RAM 1024G/HDD 8TB/BW 1vCPU 1IPv4 100Mbps OpenVZ 53.88 EUR/First two years - time4vps.eu
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Time4VPS is a registered company in Lithuania and have been around since 2003. According to their website they have quite a team working there. All offers include 24/7 off-site data backup, a 99.9% uptime SLA, and free DNS management. Host nodes have dual Intel Xeon E5-2630L v2 CPUs and SAS 10K RPM hard drives in RIAD5 with SSD caching. Activation is instant, though if you trigger any fraud check mechanisms it pay take a while. They are a RIPE LIR, so they have their own IPs, and are a member of the Baltic Optical Network ensuring low latency (<50ms) to most major Northern European cities. According to the ticket CPU power is dedicated to your VPS. We’re looking forward to hear how these VPS work out for you!
Payments can be made using PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro credit, Bitcoins, Webmoney, CashU, and International bank transfer. There’s a 30-day money-back guarantee: if you are not completely satisfied you will get your money back. For all the bells and whistles on this and other things, please read their Terms of Service.
Network information
Vilnius, Lithuania
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